Surgical Instruments are named after the surgeon who first designed and patented them, classified according to their functional usage like Dissecting, Cutting, Grasping, Clamping, Retracting etc. or a compound scientific name related to the kind of surgery. (for example, a Tracheotome is a tool used to perform a tracheotomy.

Example: Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissor

The name Metzenbaum derives from the designer, Myron Firth Metzenbaum (1 April 1876 – 25 January 1944), An American ENT surgeon who specialized in Oral and Reconstructive Surgery.

Cutting and dissecting is the functional usage.

All Surgins product ranges have been defined by British surgeons of relevant surgical disciplines including dental and veterinary surgeons.

We have over 10,000 instruments currently available to meet the needs of most surgical requirements and our range is under constant development.

Whether purchasing a single instrument, or equipping a whole new hospital or surgery, whether Left-Handed instruments or Single Use instruments or keyhole surgery instruments, Surgins has the right solution for every need.

We are an established supplier to the NHS, Private Healthcare, Dental/Veterinary Clinics & GP Surgeries.
Register for an account on our website (Surgins.com) where you can shop online or review ‘Surgins’ catalogues, select the catalogue number, submit a purchase order. By email [email protected]

Register for an account on our website (Surgins.com) where you can shop online. Once you complete a purchase online you will be sent out an “Order Confirmation” and ‘Approximate Delivery Time’.

Register for an account on our website (Surgins.com) To purchase, review ‘Surgins’ catalogues, select the catalogue number request for quotation & order to  [email protected]

Lifetime warranty / 5-years Guarantee
To validate Warranty/ Guarantee, please, ensure ‘Surgins’ instruments care guidelines are followed. Warranty will commence from the date of the delivery.

Any date or period for delivery shall be considered as indicative only, although it is our policy to try to dispatch all orders within agreed time period. We cannot be held responsible for delays in the delivery caused by a third party.

Returns / Replacement
Incorrectly ordered goods can be returned providing they are not soiled or damaged in any way, and that we are notified in writing within 7 working days of delivery. No refunds or replacements will be considered until the original goods have been thoroughly inspected.
Faulty goods will be replaced or refunded after inspection provided that we are notified in writing within 7 working days of delivery.

We offer an instrument repair / sharpening service for ‘Surgins’ instruments only.
Due to the nature of the repair / sharpening service and the fatigue that can be cause to alloys that have been damaged or are not new, if during the repair / service procedure the instrument breaks or becomes unfixable due to existing damage to the instrument we cannot be held responsible for this damage.
If, it is considered cost-effective to replace than repair or unable to repair, alternative options available will be discussed. Repair costs vary depending on the work required therefore a brief note of the service will always be required.
If interested to be ‘Surgins’ representative, we will email you Distributor/Agent Questionnaire for evaluation prior to an Agreement.
We will provide an authorisation letter to ‘Surgins’ Agents in relevant market to participate in Tender with prerequisite documents and quotation.

Surgeons and clinicians come in all shapes and sizes, and work in their own unique ways. It is hardly surprising therefore, that one set of instruments will not always meet everyone’s requirements.

To address this issue we offer the opportunity for surgeons to customise existing instruments to suit, Instruments can then be laser embossed with the surgeon’s own name to ensure they are always using the right tools for the job.

We can also custom laser etch your instruments with the hospital, department initials for identification or personalisation.

‘Surgins’ offer the opportunity for surgeons to work with us to develop a completely new design as per their individual concept, expertise and wisdom

On Surgeon’s request, ‘Surgins Innovative Form’ will be sent which will require prerequisite information about new concept.

This form will be assessed for ‘Concept Viability’. Prototype will be provided for Valid concept for Clinical practice & Credibility prior to ‘Patent’ process.

Stainless steel is an alloy, which does exactly what its name implies: stains less than ordinary steel (iron). Yes, it can stain, discolor and rust, given the right circumstances. To make iron stainless, nickel and chromium are added in certain quantities, depending on the purpose it is being used for and the qualities required. The more chromium added to the mix, the softer the alloy becomes, something not desirable in a surgical instrument. Given that, quality medical stainless steel alloy is of a very specific, narrowly defined mix. A further aspect of making steel “stainless” is a repeated process of extracting surface impurities, mainly minerals. And the final high polish of the finished instrument puts a minute protective coating on it, also very important to make the instrument “stain less”. Whether the final product is highly polished or mat finished will make no difference in its stainless ability.


Stainless steel is a metal which resists rust, can be ground to a fine point, and retains a sharp edge. Its composition can be altered to enhance certain qualities. For example, a manufacturer can make a scissor of stainless steel with carbon to create a harder cutting edge on a scissor. It is the Carbon in the stainless steel that makes the scissor stronger but the Carbon can cause the instrument to rust and corrode. All stainless steel can stain, pit, and rust if not cared for properly. Please consult our web page for care and handling instructions. When manufacturing a stainless steel instrument it is subject to a passivation and polishing process in order to make the steel as stainless as possible. Passivation and Polishing eliminates the carbon molecules form the instrument surface. This forms a layer which acts as a corrosive resistant seal.
Passivation is a chemical process that removes carbon molecules from the surface of the instrument. This chemical process can also occur through repeated exposure to oxidizing agents in chemicals, soaps, and the atmosphere Polishing is a process used to achieve a smooth surface on the instrument. It is extremely important to polish an instrument because the passivation process leaves microscopic pits where the carbon molecules were removed. Polishing also builds a layer of chromium oxide on the surface of the instrument. Through regular handling and sterilization the layer of chromium oxide will build up and protect the instrument from corrosion. In some circumstances, that is why you will notice older instruments less corrosive than new ones. The newer instruments have not had the time to build up the chromium oxide layer. However, improper cleaning and sterilization can cause the layer of chromium oxide to disappear or become damaged thus increasing the possibility of corrosion. That is why it is so important to properly clean, sterilize, and store your instruments.

If you must use your surgical instrument in a corrosive environment, or you need a completely non-magnetic instrument, or it has to tolerate heat of up to 440° C or 824° F, an instrument made from titanium alloy can be your answer. Other benefits are: 40% lighter than stainless steel; better strength to weight ratio than stainless steel; better flexibility than stainless steel; it exhibits bactericidal and non-allergenic properties. Consider that it will wear down faster than stainless steel.

A black handle on scissors means that the blades are made for easily cutting thick tissue, one blade is flat and serrated while the other is razor sharp. A standard scissors has two sharp edges that shear against each other, while these scissors have “slice” action.

A gold handle on scissors, forceps, or needle holders means they have tungsten carbide (TC) inserts on the working surfaces. TC is one of the hardest alloys used for surgical instruments. They are approximately twice as expensive as standard instruments, but can last five times longer, cutting the same tissue. This can be very cost effective in the long run.

This depends on how sterile your protocol requires them to be. First rinse in pH neutral distilled water and remove blood and debris. Use a fresh neutral pH solvent and then a soft brush for the tough cleaning. If you steam autoclave, make sure that you use manufacturer’s instructions for your autoclave (clean neutral pH distilled water), and that your high quality instruments are not mixed with instruments of inferior quality. Impurities from the lower quality instrument can start a corrosive action on your good ones. Be sure that the full drying cycle is used. Overlapping joints may have dampness within the joint, increasing the chance of corrosion. This can be prevented in three ways: assure the full drying cycle is complete, apply silicone grease inside the joint as a protective layer, or by use of an air canister or hair dryer to blow moisture out of overlapping parts. Instruments can also be cleaned ultrasonically but must be immediately rinsed and dried.

It is recommended that ultrasonic cleaning as the best and most effective way to clean surgical instruments. If ultrasonic cleaning is not available, instruments may be cleaned manually using a pH neutral detergent, distilled water, and a soft instrument cleaning brush.

Never use bleach to clean any surgical instruments. The high pH of bleach causes surface deposits of brown stains and might even corrode the instrument. Even high quality stainless steel is not impervious to an acidic bleach solution.

We recommend first cleaning the instruments in a neutral pH detergent solution with distilled water. Then apply a surgical instrument lubricant (commonly referred to as instrument milk) following the manufacturer’s directions.


When storing or handling surgical instruments it is recommended that they never be stacked or piled together. This may cause physical or other damage to instruments, including even the larger ones. Instrument edges, points and finish are best protected by individually laying them in a storage container. It is most important that this area be a dry cabinet or drawer. The use of drying agents such as silica packets or even an open box of baking powder will aid in controlling moisture.

When storing instruments re-using the tip guard may reduce damage to instrument tips. As a reminder, do not autoclave an instrument with the tip guard on the instrument. The tip guard might retain moisture that could cause staining, or the tip may not be sufficiently sterilized.

Lubrication is the most important action you can take to extend the life of your instruments. The use of a surgical instrument lubricant, known as “milk” because of the white coloring caused by the emulsion in water, will prevent spotting from mineral deposits left behind by water after cleaning. Corrosion can also be prevented by the application of lubricant. Corrosion starts in the pores of the metal and is often related to improper cleaning. With proper handling and lubrication the surface of your stainless steel instruments will develop a thin hard coating, similar to oxidation, which will help prevent damage from corrosion. Known as the passivation layer, it makes the instrument more resistant to staining and rusting. In addition to stain and corrosion protection, lubrication reduces friction at the joints, keeping the action of the instrument light, delicate and smooth and extending the life of the instrument by reducing wear.

Yes, High quality surgical instruments are handmade which can lead to some minor variations in the dimensions of instruments, particularly between manufacturing sets.

To purchase, use our ‘Products’ listing, select the catalogue number and order to [email protected]


There is no minimum amount you have to order at surgins Surgical Limited. We appreciate every opportunity to service the needs of our customers.

Yes. we will require bank verification of your credit card information, or a successful wire transfer of funds to our account, prior to shipment outside of the UK.

Any date or period for delivery shall be considered as indicative only, although it is our policy to try to despatch all orders as soon as possible. You will be notified of any items that are not available at the time of your order and may choose to cancel or to place the order. These items will be sent to you, as soon as they are available.
We cannot be held responsible for delays in the delivery caused by a third party. If the goods fail to arrive please contact us to arrange for a replacement or refund.

We have a 100% guarantee of satisfaction. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with any of our products, you may return them for a prompt refund or exchange.
To validate our warranty, please ensure all instruments follow our care guidelines.

Yes, only for ‘Surgins’ surgical instruments.
We may in some cases advise you that we are unable to perform a service on your instrument for technical or price reasons. If the cost of the service exceeds half the cost of a new instrument, we will advise you of this.